About DIYabled

It’s been 19 years now that I have been living my life as a disabled person. Of course, I have learned so much by observing things that I’d like to share them — and there are so many things to share! I myself have been part of the DIY music scene for most of my life. The reason I have chose to raise awareness in this community is because this is where ideas begin. In a world that consciously cut ties with the the status quo people are forced to think outside the box and come up solutions to the problems they need to solve. It is a necessity for us as a community to move forward. So when I became disabled it wasn’t so hard for me when I began to realize that I had become of another DIY community.  The community of People Living with Disabilties (PLD). The world is ability centric and does not support the idea of independence for PLD and it is up to us to inform our communities how we can work together to make Our communities truly inclusive.

DIYabled is a grassroots group that believes DIY spaces are essential to creating a healthy thriving community. To support thriving community, DIY spaces need to be inclusive and accessible to people of all races, genders, sexual orientation and ability. The goal of DIYabled is to provide a place where we can ALL work together as a community to find solutions to make DIY spaces accessible to People Living with Disabilities (PLD).